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Utah society of health-system Pharmacists

Committee Chairs

Brittney Scharman, CPhT-ADV (Board Liasion)

Kathy Elliott, CPhT

Committee Members

Emily Appel-Barrus, CPhT

Jenny Smith, CPhT

Miranda Acevedo, CPhT

Rhonda Van Dam, CPhT

Raghbir Makhar, CPhT

Tina Majers, CPhT

Zachary Tolman

Technician Committee SOP

Committee Meetings

The Technician Committee holds quarterly meetings. Unless otherwise noted, the meetings are held at 5:30 PM on the second Tuesday of February, May, August, and November. All technicians and technician students are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you have a topic you would like discussed, please email us at so that we can add it to the agenda.   

Upcoming Meetings

November Meeting:

Wednesday, November 29, 5:30pm (ADD TO CALENDAR)

Microsoft Teams meeting

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 217 942 880 451

Passcode: XSsAoe

Please email us at if you would like to be notified when the call details are released.

Get to know your technician committee leaders:

Brittney Scharman, CPhT-ADV

Board Liaison

Brittney Scharman is an Investigational Pharmacy Technician with the University of Utah and Huntsman Cancer Hospital for the last 7 years. She has been a pharmacy technician for 14 years. She started her pharmacy career by getting her license when she was a manager of the front end of a Walgreens in order to help the pharmacy in busy times. She recently achieved her CPhT-ADV with the help of the USHP scholarship.  She absolutely loves her job and helping people through clinical studies.

She has a teenage boy and an amazing husband. When not working, she enjoys spending time with her family. She enjoys going for drives and watching movies.

Kathy Elliot, CPhT


My name is Kathy Elliott. I am a Pharmacy Technician Specialist on the Education and Research Team with Intermountain Health. I have worked for Intermountain Health for 9 years and have been a pharmacy technician for 23 years. I started my career as a pharmacy clerk for Wal-Mart Pharmacy, where I trained on-the-job to be a CPhT. Throughout my career, I have worked in multiple types of pharmacies including retail, closed door, cycle fill, mail order, and clinical pharmacy. I have worked the last eight and a half years as an administrative technician maintaining and coordinating pharmacy schedules and timecards on a system level until recently when I changed roles to the Education and Research team. 

I am passionate about mentoring other caregivers, which is one of the reasons I love working on the Education and Research team, where I can assist other technicians to further their careers and to work at the top of their licensure. 

I am new to USHP and to the technician committee, but I’m excited to work on achieving my CPhT-ADV with the help of the USHP scholarships, and then share my experience with other technicians to show them the processes that they can do to advance their careers too!


Sample Policy and Procedure for Tech check Tech 

Download Microsoft Word version or PDF Version – Last updated March 2015

Technician Committee Bylaws:

The Technician Committee is responsible to promote issues related to Pharmacy Technicians in USHP, as well as promoting greater use and awareness of pharmacy technician’s skills. As appropriate, the Technician Committee will assign committee members to liaise with other standing committees. The Board Liaison for the Committee shall appoint and work closely with the Committee Chair in promoting technicians issues to the USHP board.

© Copyright 2021 Utah Society of Health-System Pharmacists

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